Get Some Yummiest Eggo Nutritional Facts

HealthGet Some Yummiest Eggo Nutritional Facts
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There can be nothing more delicious than eggo if you love waffles. Only a few decades ago, if you wanted waffles, you had to create your batter, get out a waffle iron, and cook them from scratch. They may even be shaped like Spider-Man if you want them to be.

What Are The Essential Eggo Calories?

Sodium350 mg15%
Total Carbohydrate30 g11%
Dietary Fiber<1 g3%


Here, you can find the detailed chart for eggo waffles nutritional facts for better understanding.

Also if you are an eggo waffle lover then you can get eggo waffles for a healthy and nutritious breakfast. No worries, you will be getting the proper eggo waffles nutrition with every bite you have.

Eggo Nutritional Facts

Eggo Nutritional Facts Which Are Amazing

  1. Frozen waffles have grown into a multimillion-dollar business since Eggo first appeared on the market in the mid-twentieth century. The frozen waffle industry is predicted to grow by $292.4 million by 2022, according to market research company Technavio (via Baking Business). And although there are many waffle brands to select from, we’re talking about the original frozen waffle today. The hidden truth of Eggo waffles is this.
  2. Eggo waffles conjure up visions of melted butter and sugary syrup for many people, making them a morning classic. Eggo mayo was a thing, as strange and disgusting as the mayo-waffle relationship may seem. And there’s a good possibility the Eggo waffle would never have taken off if it hadn’t been a hit.
  3. Frank Dorsa, together with his brothers Anthony and Sam, began the food industry in 1932, according to The Day (via Google News Archive). Eggo mayonnaise was their first taste of success, with a 1940s newspaper ad proclaiming the spread as having the “largest egg content” among mayonnaise brands at the time. According to the advertisement, the mayonnaise was created from “fresh ranch eggs,” thus the name “Eggo,” according to the ad.
  4. It’s unclear why the Dorsas chose to try their hand at waffles following their mayo adventure. Perhaps there’s an oversupply of eggs? We can only conjecture. The Dorsa brothers started selling waffle batter and a dry waffle mix before producing the frozen waffle.
  5. Frank Dorsa, the co-founder of Eggo, was a forerunner in developing the frozen waffle and a leader in food preparation, and a gadget innovator. According to The Day, the Dorsa brothers began their food company in the basement of their parent’s house. Still, it had outgrown its initial premises within six years (via Google News Archive). 
  6. Frank designed a fryer that didn’t curl bacon before Eggo waffles were invented. The Seattle Times even stepped outside the culinary industry and developed a cement squeegee.
  7. Dorsa’s waffle iron carousel, on the other hand, would be the innovation that would carve out his position in the world. In the 1950s, he and his brothers invented a gadget that worked similarly to a merry-go-round but used waffle irons to produce hundreds of fresh waffles every hour. It wasn’t long before Eggo waffles — or froffles as they were known back then — were available at local supermarkets.
  8. Frank’s son, Frank Dorsa Jr., would note upon his father’s death in 1996 how much he liked working on new inventions. He told The New York Times, “He was continually fiddling.”
  9. When Eggo waffles first appeared in stores in the early to mid-1950s, they permanently revolutionized breakfast. Isn’t it reasonable to assume that frozen pancakes will come shortly after? Of fact, this was not the case at all. In reality, Eggo’s “froffle” customers would have to wait decades before they were offered frozen pancakes.
  10. According to all accounts, Eggo did not begin selling frozen pancakes until 1997, after co-founder Frank Dorsa died. Unfortunately, producing a good pancake that froze properly wasn’t as easy as it seemed.
  11. Dorsa started working on frozen pancakes immediately after launching waffles, according to The Seattle Times, but he couldn’t come up with a recipe he liked. Pancakes may seem simple, but believe us when we say that many cooking errors may destroy a stack of flapjacks.

Some Lesser Known Eggo Nutritional Facts

  • When Kellogg’s declared an Eggo scarcity in late 2009, fans were left unsure of what to do. According to NBC News, at the time, the unforeseen difficulty was caused by a production stoppage at two of the four factories responsible for creating the frozen meals.
  • One of the outages was caused by a strong storm that flooded Atlanta, Georgia, headquarters. Important manufacturing lines in Rossville, Tennessee, were also shut down for maintenance at the same time.
  • It wasn’t long before Eggo waffles were hard to come by in grocery shop freezers. In November 2009, Joey Resciniti, a Pennsylvania shopper and mommy blogger, told NBC
  • News that she purchased one of the final boxes on her supermarket shopping trip and was thinking about how to stretch them out. “We have eight of them,” she said, “and if we limit them — maybe half an Eggo in one session — it will last longer.” 
  • According to The Mercury News, some individuals even attempted selling Eggo waffles on eBay to desperate breakfast enthusiasts.
  • Kellogg’s projected at the time that their Eggo supply would not be fully restored until the middle of 2010 and even tried damage control with a hotline for concerned consumers. Sure, it’s a little out there, but folks love their waffles.


It’s all because of Eggo. No, the brand did not develop the waffle or even the current waffle iron; that honor belongs to Cornelius Swartwout, a 19th-century innovator (Smithsonian Magazine). Eggo, on the other hand, made frozen waffles that customers could heat and enjoy, eliminating all the trouble and mess.

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