Wild Rice Nutrition Facts

HealthWild Rice Nutrition Facts
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Wild Rice Nutrition Facts – Wild rice isn’t technically a grain, but a grass-based food and, it is way healthier than brown rice. You need to add them to your healthy regular diet. Though most types of rice are grown in Asia and European countries, wild rice is found in the native part of North America and planted across the waterways of the United States. 

Wild Rice Nutrition Facts

Brown rice has been a favourite for many years among people who want a healthier alternative to white rice, but now there is another option you may not know about: Wild rice. It is a nutritional powerhouse with various health benefits. 

As mentioned above, it’s a nutritional powerhouse packed with plenty of vitamins and minerals such as iron, zinc, folate, phosphorus, and considering it is typically grass-based rice- it’s gluten-free, high in protein and fibre. 

Wild Rice by Vaishali Logistic Pvt Ltd from Nagpur Maharashtra | ID - 3621610

Information about Wild Rice Nutrition Facts

Check here the complete details about Wild Rice Nutrition Facts with the amount –

  • Calories – 166
  • Total Fat – 0.6g
  • Saturated Fat – 0.1g
  • Cholesterol – 0mg
  • Sodium – 4.9mg
  • Potassium – 166mg
  • Total Carbohydrates – 35g
  • Dietary Fiber – 3g
  • Sugars – 1.2g
  • Protein – 6.5g
  • Vitamin A – 0.1%
  • Vitamin C – 0%
  • Calcium – 0.5%
  • Iron – 5.5%

Wild rice is an aquatic grass-based edible grain gaining popularity in recent years. It’s is very nutritious and offers a lot of health benefits. 

This article will tell you about wild rice’s nutritional and health benefits.

What is wild rice?

  1. Wild rice, despite its name, is not rice at all. It is a seed-based aquatic grass with an edible grain that grows naturally in shallow freshwater marshes and along the shores of slow-flowing streams and lakes.
  2. Wild rice represents four grass species from the genus zizania and later harvests the grain. In which one is native to Asia and cultivated as a vegetable. The other three remaining wild rice are native to North America. About 99% of wild rice comes from Minnesota and California in the United States.
  3. Wild rice is high in protein, amino acids, dietary fibre, and low in fat. Wild Rice Nutrition Facts analysis shows it is second only to oats containing high protein content per 100gm serving. It does not contain gluten, and it is also a good source of minerals and B vitamins. 
  4. Consuming cooked wild rice provides 5% more daily thiamin, riboflavin, iron and potassium. It also provides 10% or more daily value of niacin, Vitamin B6, folate, magnesium, and phosphorus that your body require.

Wild Rice Nutrition Facts – Benefits

  • Wild rice is rich in antioxidants: it has high antioxidants more than 30 times than white rice. Antioxidants are powerful substance that helps prevent cell damage caused by oxidants. It helps protect your body from diseases and help you stay healthy. 
  • Wild rice contains a significant amount of protein: Adding wild rice to your regular diet helps your body grow and build muscles. Wild rice is known to be complete protein food that means it contains all nine amino acids to help you increase muscle mass and strengthen your body.
  • It helps you strengthen your immune system: wild rice consists of vitamin A, C, and E is essential to your immune system for proper functioning. These vitamins in wild rice are necessary for stimulating white blood cells productions, that are our body’s first-line defence against foreign pathogens.
  • Wild rice helps digestion: Adding wild rice to your regular diet regime helps maintain your gut and bowel movements. The total fibre content present in the wild rice helps eliminate constipation, bloating, abdomen cramping and excessive flatulence.
  • It is favourable rice for your heart health: wild rice contains no sodium that helps to eradicate bad cholesterol and maintain a healthy cardiovascular system. With no sodium, it helps control blood pressure and keeps your heart healthy.
  • Helps you boost your energy levels: Consuming wild rice helps get rid of fatigue and boost your energy levels- the magnesium content in the wild rice provides you relief from temporary tiredness and provides extra energy to get through the day.
  • It’s the ideal diet for weight management: wild rice is low in calories and gluten-free. It’s a diet food ideal for losing weight and preventing obesity. Unlike other rice, which can increase a person’s weight and make them obese, wild rice containing high fibre and rich nutrient content cuts off supplying high calories to your body and helps maintain an ideal weight.
  • It helps improve bone strength: As we grow old, our body breaks down, including the bones. So consuming phosphorus-rich foods like wild rice are necessary to maintain healthy bones. Phosphorus and Zinc content in wild rice is essential to maintain bone density and ensures strong bones and joints with ageing.
  • If you are diagnosed with osteoporosis or have pain in your bones and joints, adding wild rice to your diet is a wise option.

Cooked Wild Rice


At the end, we can check here the overview for Wild Rice Nutrition Facts. Wild rice has become extremely valuable due to its nutrient content and variety of health benefits. Containing high antioxidant, protein, mineral, vitamin, and dietary fibre makes it an ideal diet food for young adults, people who work out and aged people. There are no reports of health concerns reported with wild rice. But as with any other food, it should be taken in moderation.

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